The film's content will include, but not be limited to:
Bob Davenport's relationship to Hollin Hills
- Living in the great depression, and related social experiences such as working with cooperatives.
- Working in the New Deal.
- The Washington Book Shop
- Post war construction, pre-fab housing
- Tauxemont
Chuck Goodman's modernism
- Who was Chuck Goodman?
- What did he design?
- Modernist architectural thought.
- The Hollin Hills design.
- The surprisingly design fertile 1950's.
- 50s modernist interiors.
The Hollin Hills landscape
- "A Community of Vision"
- The early settlers
- Hollin Hills construction
- Bob's ongoing relationship with the owners.
- Landscape plans for Hollin Hills.
- The environment, parks
The Hollin Hills community
- Hollin Hills 4th of July.
- The Civic Association
- The Bulletin
- A reunion of first settlers
- Growing up in Hollin Hills, from the perspective of those who did.
- Artists, architects, musicians
- Hollin Hills parties
Suburbia then and now
- The U.S. landscape before W.W.II
- Post-war housing
- Moving to the suburbs in the 50s
- "Utopia"
- Aging suburban communities
- Suburban "boredom"
- Suburban building today
- What was different about Hollin Hills?

W. Eugene Smith
for the American Institute of Architects, 1957
© The Heirs of W. Eugene Smith